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Tag: aquarium

Jun 12, 2018

  The North Pacific Aquarium was built to replace the aging 1940 aquarium, a wooden building down on the waterfront that was rusting, rotting and leaking. Early ideas included moving … Continued

Jun 12, 2018

Through four years of dreaming, mentoring staff, caring for animals and watching a building rise, Neil Allen has kept one vision in sight for the Pacific Seas Aquarium, coming late … Continued

Jun 12, 2018

Sunny and Azul, the green sea turtles waiting patiently for their new home in the aquarium’s Baja Bay exhibit, passed their first physical wellness exam this month with flying colors … Continued

Jun 12, 2018

Jan. 24, 2018 It’s beginning to look a lot like an aquarium over there now. Visitors to the zoo see a high roofline; people passing by on Five Mile Drive … Continued

Jun 12, 2018

Sept. 22, 2017 Azul is a diva, but curious. Sunny’s more a chill kinda guy. But aquarist Melissa Bishop loves both of the green sea turtles that just arrived at … Continued

Jun 12, 2018

Aug. 16, 2017 It had all the complex choreography of a ballet. Last Friday, four scalloped hammerhead sharks and two spotted eagle rays arrived at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. … Continued

Jun 12, 2018

Wondering what all those concrete walls are going to become in the new aquarium? Here’s our walk-through guide. 1. You’ll enter just downhill from the path to Rocky Shores. 2. … Continued

May 18, 2018

Learn about sharks, watch a shark feed, and play shark games!
Free with admission. July 13-14