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Polar Bear Birthday Bash

November 18 - 19, 2023
9:00AM - 3:00PM
Astra and Laerke are turning 3! Join us in celebrating their birthday all weekend long!
Special "Cake" to Celebrate
A birthday "cake" created with the twins' favorite undersea (and land) treats! Watch as Astra and Laerke dig into this special dessert.
Meet Astra and Laerke
The twin polar bear cubs came to Point Defiance Zoo earlier this year. Since then, they've shown us their distinct personalities and favorite ways to play. Learn more about their story!
Read it on the Blog
Join a Keeper Chat
Daily at 11:30am
What does it take to care for two growing polar bears? We do it through creative enrichment, cooperative training, health care, and habitat . Our keepers are here to tell you all about it.

Daily Event Activities

9am-3pmAwesome Adaptations - Examine the paws, teeth, and claws of a polar bear to discover how well adapted they are for their frozen Arctic home.
9am-3pmFun with Fur – Explore fur from Arctic animals and find out how each is uniquely suited to help the animal survive.
9am-3pmLeave a Birthday Message – Sign our giant birthday card for Astra & Laerke!
9am-3pm Zoo Toy Bin - Help the keepers put away the animals’ toys. Match the toys to the animal that plays with it.
9am-3pmSnap a Selfie - with our Paws Up for Polar Bears photo op!
11:30amKeeper Chat - Learn about the exceptional care our polar bears receive, and watch them enjoy their "birthday cake!"
Explore the Shore
Discover the world of low tide. Owen Beach, Point Defiance Park. Free.
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Members’ Access Night
Have fun after-hours. Free for members. July 21.
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Wild Cat Weekend
Meet our wild cats and join us in celebrating them! Aug 3-4.
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Take Action for Polar Bears
Learn more about how climate change is affecting this magnificent species.